October Plenty at Borough Market

October Plenty at Borough Market

This event has now passed

Sunday 23 October - Sunday 23 October

This will be a glorious collective celebration of the seasons, weather and food, OCTOBER PLENTY mixes ancient seasonal customs and contemporary festivity with performance and music.

The theatre company Lions part, which was formed in Southwark by a group of actors who met doing First Folio work with the Original Shakespeare Company, has for many years been performing as part of Borough Market’s annual harvest festivities. October Plenty is the troupe’s interpretation of some of the rich folklore and traditions of the autumn harvest. It includes appearances from the strikingly attired Corne Queen and Berry Man, and free performances for children in the Story Orchard.

The procession will begin at 11am on Bankside SE1, near Shakespeare’s Globe gates, and head down to Borough Market.

The full Market will be in operation as usual during the day, so there will be plenty of opportunities to enjoy the seasonal produce central to the celebrations.


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