Roast Me at The Union Theatre

Roast Me at The Union Theatre

This event has now passed

Tuesday 17 January - Sunday 22 January
AIM Theatre is really going to be producing the fantastic new play ‘Roast Me’ by Tom Holt. Roast Me is a dystopian take on an alternate lockdown caused by social media.

The play follows the story of four young adults through two separate timelines five years apart, in the first timeline they are unknowingly causing the collapse of society, whilst in the other they are trying to save it.

The play focuses on the potential fallout of the popular trend on Reddit called Roast Me and what could happen if this trend gets out of hand.

Current issues are constantly being tackled throughout the play, be it a small passing reference to America’s gun control issues or entire scenes dedicated to the importance of mental health and the effect it can have on people of all ages.

Roast Me is anarchic, it is completely original, and it investigates the problems and possibilities of our time.

It is far enough away from reality to offer the audience the escape they are looking for whilst also containing relatable characters and quirky references to the life we are currently living.

  • 7.30pm Tuesday to Saturday
  • 2.30pm Saturday & Sunday Matinee

Content warnings of Strong language.

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